SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis | Mountain Skies Business Consulting | Rolla, MissouriSWOT Analysis stands for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is a method to review your current business environment both internally and externally. Gathering together top level management and representatives of middle management and line staff, a comprehensive SWOT Analysis should define to the whole company the current state of affairs. Using the information discovered and detailed, companies can begin a strategic plan,  determine training needs, be proactive towards potential threats, and most importantly bring a sense of unity to all the stakeholders.

Several advantages are gleaned from a proper SWOT analysis. Items listed under the opportunities and threats can be transformed into goals on a strategic plan. Items listed under strengths are how to achieve those goals. Weaknesses will almost always show where training or additional personel are required. Getting an accurate picture of the current state of affairs in any organization is the first step to being able to facilitate change and growth.

Feel free to use any of the examples and downloads here to work toward your goals, or you can always call us to help you in the facilitation process.

FREE SWOT Analysis Resource Downloads:

  1. SWOT Handout
  2. SWOT Slide Templates
  3. SWOT Example
  4. SWOT Compiled Into Graph Form

Call 573-465-4216 to Get Started on Your SWOT Analysis Plan Today!

Created and Maintained by John Wright.
